Do not worry! This will not hurt you in any way, what it is – simple money give-away! That’s right! Without any expenses you get a chance of receiving 1 per day for the rest of your life!
Rules are simple! In order to participate you need to: 1. Be of human race (soon Golden r@ndom will be available for magmars as well). 2. Reach at least level 2. 3. Register on our web site with your in-game name. 4. Leave a comment to this news saying: “Golden r@ndom, today you will choose me!”. * each user can only leave 1 comment to this news ** comments that are left in a different format & flood will be deleted and prosecuted
And now to the fun part! At the end of each day, wining number will be selected by Judgment Call [8] with the help of the Golden r@ndom, trough the “/rand” command in the game. This will only happen if there were 20 or more comments to this news (but only comments 1-100 can win), so tell your freinds to participate!
Author of the comment that is matched to the winning number will receive 1 trough in-game mail. All of the winnings are paid by the CEO [9] of the MadDoc LTD!